Monday, September 14, 2009


Well thats some wierdest title I can think of for this post of mine.But before you venture into all the wild thoughts of your mind, let me make it clear --Its all about " KEEP IT SIMPLE,SWEET".

How many times do we complicate our lives on our own.We do not realise the fact that we are at the centre of all the problems that surround us.We do not realise that life is not something to be planned, but to be lived every moment.We forget that there are loads of simpler and sweeter delights in life.For example helping an old lady cross a road.I still remember the incident where one old lady almost 85 plus years of age was waiting to cross the road.But she could not afford to risk her life amidst heavy traffic.I saw so many people crossing by without even bothering.Just then one rikshaw vallah, who is a hero in true sense, came in and held the old lady's hand and helped her cross the road.I was extremely happy to know that soft hearted people are still existing in this world.Its not all that bad.

Before anything else could hit my mind, I realised how we can get happiness from simple yet sweet and miniscule incidents of our everyday life.

So lets gain happiness in its true sense by being good to others :)
Lets KISS our life !!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rain Rain Come Again

Today it started raining all of a sudden.Well its rainy season in India and so whats new in it!!!
Indeed its new to Chennai where showers in this season are unexpected.When whole India is drenched, Chennai was boiling due to scorching sun...So indeed its a welcome respite.
But then I am not writing this post becoz of this reason..Today I got some time out of my busy life to observe these lovely pearls rolling all over the thirsty land.How beautiful it is to watch the little drops touching the green leaves, removing all their wrinkles and dirt and giving them a new life.It feels as if two lovers are meeting after several months.
Somehow I had forgotten that God has created nature with so much of perfection and that we are part of this nature.We must observe and appreciate its beauty.
I am happy to be the young girl once again,who used to sit and watch the rain for hours, who loved to get drenched in first rain and who had this belief that if rains unexpectedly and you get to see a rainbow then God is planning something good for you.(All my friends laugh at this belief of mine and call me kiddo) Indeed this belief is not wrong.After all, God had planned my rendezvous with the kid in my heart. :)